
In order to help subscribers improve the factual quality of their posts or comments we have compiled some sources we would recommend:

Current News:
  • Google News  (  - Is a terrific source for links to current and archived news events. Google News searches thousands of news sources and its computers rank event/issue by how much activity each topic is creating.  It is updated continuously and highly customizable.  It is the source of he news feed on Argument Clinic
Interesting Restaurant duality 
Restaurant media are outlets who are focused on serving red meat to "an exclusive clientele" of readers who prefer information dosed with a heavy POV.  In the main, I would NOT recommend these as sources for news or facts, but two when viewed together provide enlightening perspectives.
  • Media Matters - serves a progressive focused clientele and acts as a media watchdog on the conservative media - exposing, debunking and positing a different perspective on what is being said on conservative sources from the  progressive POV
  • Newsbuster - serves red meat to the conservative crowd and does the same for them. 
When taken together it becomes easy to spot the spin, highlight the hype and debunk the dodos. 

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    Fact check - if you prefer your information be accurate
      BLOGS (Opinion based POV - often Blog segments of News Orgs)

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